
Photo Cropper

Godromo’s photo cropper
allows you to cut or crop your photos, selecting only the portions of your
photo that you are interested in keeping.


How To:


  1. Identify the crop tool on the left side of the app
  2. Use your pointing device to select the dimensions of the selection
    • Moving the corners will adjust the size of the selection
    • Use the profiles on the crop toolbar if you want to restrict the
  3. Observe the final result of your edited photo in the right side. All the
    changes you do will be shown to you as you make them
  4. When you are done save or share your masterpiece

Resize your crop

You may want to modify the size of the resulting photo before saving. For
example if you want to create some avatar for your website or some icon for
your address book it is useful to create a photo of a fixed size like 128×128
or 300×300.

To resize your crop:

  1. Press on the resize toggle so it’s on the ‘ON’ position
  2. type or select the dimension
  3. Additionally you can also use profiles

Use Profiles

Profiles allow you to automatically select the proportions of the crop and
additionally set the final dimensions of the picture.

To select a profile:

  1. Select the desired profile from the list in the crop toolbar

Selecting a profile will lock the proportions of your crop selection.
Adjusting one side of your selection will adjust the length of the other to
keep the proportions. If you want to go back to a free form selection, select
the ‘custom’ profile or press reset.


If you ever want to back to the initial settings, simply press the reset
button on the right of the crop toolbar.


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